Sunday, July 6, 2008

Time for a Shower

My best friend, Paula, and Doug's co-worker, Jennie threw us a baby shower at the end of June. Here I am with our two kind hostesses.
We had lots of good friends and family there. This is my boss, Linda, with Paula.
My niece, Kaylynn, helped us open the gifts. Thanks to everyone - we are now set for this baby to arrive!

And one side shot of me at 30 weeks - almost 7 months!


Charity said...

You look so beautiful! Super excited to see you in just a few weeks!!!

The Browning's said... look awesome, Paula, too:o) Love ya! Linz

Melissa and Cullen Jones said...

Sure miss you guys out there. You look Amazing Jen. Love the Blog.

Melissa and I are slacking when it comes to keeping up on our blog now that we aren't traveling. Soon we will make some posts.

Are you yelling through the walls at Dave Trott now a days? Say hi to everyone for me.